
Marleidy Muñoz

Marleidy Muñoz

Periodista, editora y realizadora audiovisual a tiempo parcial. Madre de mellizos a tiempo completo. Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Central de Las Villas y máster en Historia y Antropología, por la Universidad de Cienfuegos. Con los pies en Lima, Perú, y la mente en Cienfuegos, Cuba.
An interview with Cuban musician Jorgito “Kamankola”
Beyond the scarce figures offered by the island’s government, the real impact of the enclave on the Cuban economy is unknown.
Israel Hernandez Planas is a well-known name on TV in Santiago de Cuba and national channels. However, he preferred to put his career as a journalist on hold and stay at home looking after his son.


Marleidy Muñoz

Marleidy Muñoz

Periodista, editora y realizadora audiovisual a tiempo parcial. Madre de mellizos a tiempo completo. Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Central de Las Villas y máster en Historia y Antropología, por la Universidad de Cienfuegos. Con los pies en Lima, Perú, y la mente en Cienfuegos, Cuba.

An interview with Cuban musician Jorgito “Kamankola”
Beyond the scarce figures offered by the island’s government, the real impact of the enclave on the Cuban economy is unknown.
Israel Hernandez Planas is a well-known name on TV in Santiago de Cuba and national channels. However, he preferred to put his career as a journalist on hold and stay at home looking after his son.

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